As is, one has to reach to the upper left to go back (i find myself needing to use my … Read the rest
Category: Uncategorized
Written Title on Home Screen “6000+ AA Speakers and Tapes”
Is there a limit on how many list items that can be displayed on a screen? (below…)
Some of the lists are hundreds of items long, it seems they are stopping at a fixed number?… Read the rest
Provide an easy way to navigate to the home screen without hitting the “Back” icon?
Huge white space on tape screen (below)…
Can we add tags or other relevant information about the tape?… Read the rest
Show full title length on tape screens, along with speaker name, tags rating and # of votes (is sometimes truncating with “…”
Have same 4 bottom items on all tape screens (a tape within “Favorites” list only shows the “Favorites” icon on bottom).
Make the round volume and time sliders more visually distinct (is white on white, hard to see)
When does trial end – 5 listens, or 5 downloads?
if the trial is based on downloads, and they never download, then they get the app for free – I … Read the rest
Home screen icons
My sense is that home screen icons that are relevant to the topic/series of tapes is best. If a generic … Read the rest
List item display, displaying ratings and # of votes
I think listing things with 2 font sizes like spotify works well. I like their font as well.
First line … Read the rest
If a user deletes a downloaded file, does that reduce the number that counts toward their 5 free?
QUESTION: If a user deletes a downloaded file, does that reduce the number that counts toward their 5 free?
If … Read the rest
Larger Audio Buttons (Play/Pause)?
On the recording page, I may ask for a larger tape play/pause button as an example. I figure you know … Read the rest
Downloading a “favorite” immediately when selecting them as a “favorite”, or just place it in the Favorites list, allow users to download later?
With “favorites” – i may have spec’d downloading when a recording is “favorited, but i’m wondering if that’s necessary – … Read the rest
Alanon Icon on home page pointing to different list of tapes (just a placeholder name?)
The Icon “Alanon Tapes” on the home page doesn’t navigate to the listing of alanon recordings on the website, but … Read the rest
Search terms and listing results?
regarding search – will it search only tags, or does that mean the search results will be ordered by pertinent … Read the rest
Larger Font Size (while maintaining readability)?
Idea – add advertising code into the search loop for every 7 results
Idea – add advertising code into the loop for every 10 results in Toolset views
Idea – Add links to 3 “related posts” instead of the “popular pages” links
Mobile app specs
I hope this information is helpful – lemme know what specs I am missing.
- The website holding the content and
please add you own version of “kungfu” to your edits please (so i can see/figure out what you did). is ok?
show only 10 most recent comments on any page/post
Remove all unnecessary CSS from stylesheets
Home page – add search box above “Tapes by concept/theme” heading
change search results to smaller font both desktop and mobile (16px works well on desktop)
man who mastered fear
download milt l
donate box code fyi
for home page widget:
<div id=”wrapper”>
<div class=”donate-box”>
<p><strong>Serving 55k+ per Month!</strong> Please Spare a Few Bucks for Server/Security Costs … Read the rest
Take off staging mode in Yoast
IPhone/Safari metrics suggest much lower user experience, pls test.
that is the biggest technology segment by far, but their engagement metrics are substantially lower across the board. I have … Read the rest
do tag cloud redirects to page
Add Women AA speakers page
add single.php, post-data.php, and comments-template into child theme?
i edited both of these core responsive files and figure its best they be moved/copied into the childtheme folder? Or … Read the rest
I commented out the following in single.php in responsive core
I don’t see the relevancy for “posts before and after” functionality, edited single .php
<!– <div class=”navigation”>
<div class=”previous”><?php … Read the rest
remove “Categorized in xxxx” text from aa speaker tapes template
Simple lightweight math plugin was not working on mobile, switched to WP Bruiser and it seems ok.
you figure this is ok since we are behind a pro firewall? I’m not sure how WPBruiser works security wise, … Read the rest
please erase the following text in “post” table – “content” column of DB
“Is this tape helpful for AA Newcomers? If so, please add some Comments about this tape’s topics? (e.g., “For Newcomers” … Read the rest