- donate box code fyi - Uncategorized -
- man who mastered fear - Uncategorized - Not Started
- download milt l - Uncategorized - Not Started
- Take off staging mode in Yoast - Uncategorized - Not Started
- do tag cloud redirects to page - Uncategorized - Not Started
- Add Women AA speakers page - Uncategorized - Not Started
- touch up top of bedroom hinge with trim paint - High Priority - Not Started
- scrub light switches - High Priority - Not Started
- almond plate screws - Uncategorized - Not Started
- replace blank switch cover kitchen - Uncategorized - Not Started
- trim hallway switch cover - Uncategorized - Not Started
- remove phone mount upstairs phone nook, sand, repaint - Uncategorized - Not Started
- trim trees - High Priority - Not Started
- power wash front & back windows, clean drains - High Priority - Not Started
- refinish front door - Uncategorized - Not Started
- organize basement - Uncategorized - Not Started
- paint new flue cap - Uncategorized - Not Started
- replace upstairs soap dish - Uncategorized - Not Started
- clean upstairs shower - Uncategorized - Not Started
- replace light switch garage - Uncategorized - Not Started
- replace all washers leaky faucets - Uncategorized - Not Started
- dump run (after tree trim) - Uncategorized - Not Started
- finish shelf covering - Uncategorized - Not Started
- fix ponding water roof - Uncategorized - Not Started
- Test - Uncategorized - Not Started
- Firm pillows for dad - Uncategorized -
- purchase tons of felt pads both small and large sizes, place on bottoms of all furniture. - Medium, Uncategorized - Not Started
- True Move – need power of attorney, copy of chanote, passport, bank account - Uncategorized - Not Started
- Buy dogfood - Uncategorized - Not Started
- develop system for door locks, with one master key for all. - Medium - Not Started
- Follow up on hinge delivery, bring receipt - Uncategorized - Not Started
- Install some kind of shelf in the rear shower for shampoo, soap, a place to set a phone, etc. - Low - Not Started
- Install new kitchen door lock (will be provided) - High Priority -
- install lockbox on gate for guests, make key copies, label for rooms - Medium - Not Started
- Build Built-In Cabinets rear bedroom - Medium - Not Started
Non-Construction items:
- buy grout sealer, buy syringes from pharmacy - Urgent - Not Started
- goto cctv place - Uncategorized - Not Started
- Buy new Bathmats for all showers - Medium - Not Started
- rimping shopping list - Uncategorized - Not Started
- inventory sheets and towles - Uncategorized -
- Skin and General practicioner Doctors for dad - Uncategorized -
- Bothavorn – 4 watt eve lights. - High Priority -
- take pics of house for exterior paint - Uncategorized - Not Started
- 10 may furniture delivery - Medium - In Progress
- Small table next to recliner for dad - Medium - Not Started
- Visa status - Medium - Not Started
- Hire house security - Medium - Not Started
- pick up spare tiles from shop - Low - Not Started
- Hire security for when I’m gone - Medium - Not Started
- John – Order Beds and Toppers - High Priority - Not Started
- TV boxes from alec - High Priority - Not Started
- pay Nay - Medium - Not Started